Manuscript Length
The text should not exceed six (6) pages for oral communications and two (2) pages for posters (A4 format = 210 x 297 mm size paper), including Figures, Tables and References.
Text should be written using “Roboto” font, size 10, with a line spacing of 1.15, a paragraph spacing of 6 pt, and a margin of 2.54 cm all round.
How to structure the text
- Title: In Bold.
- Authors and institutions/organizations to which they belong.
- Email of the correspondong author: When the number of authors or institutions exceeds one, only the email of the first author is to be written.
- Abstract: This should summarize the main results and conclusions of the study and any other necessary information. If the title contains the names of species, the abstract must include the taxonomic group to which the species belongs. The abstract should be comprehensible even to non-specialists in the field.
Please put the Abstract in italic.
The abstract must be at least 10 lines long and no longer than 20 lines.
- Key-words: maximum of five.
Subdivisions of the text
The headings for each section must be written in bold.
The following order should be respected (optional sections, i.e. those not usually required for publications, are given in brackets):
- Title
- Authors / affiliations
- Abstract
- Key-words
- Introduction
- Materials and methods
- Results
- Discussion and/or conclusions
- (Acknowledgments)
- Bibliography
Figures and Tables
The Figures and Tables must be numbered, using progressive Arabic numbers (Tab. 1, Fig. 1, etc.).
Captions should be placed above the tables and under the figures.
References to figures or tables should always be made in the text.
Bibliographical references must be put in alphabetical order. The bibliography should contain only works quoted in the text. Do not quote abstracts.
The following model should be used:
- Author, Year. Title of document. Publisher, Place of publication, Pages.
- Author(s), Year. Title of article. Journal title, Volume(Issue), Pages.
Quotations in the text should be as follows:
- (Author, Year; Author 1 & Author 2, Year; First Author et al., Year)
- (Author, Year 1; Year 2)
Figures should also be provided as separate files.